(For what it's worth, I did take the pictures on the 15th; I just didn't get around to posting them until now). So, in no particular order, here's what was blooming in my yard on March 15th.
Well, OK, my Texas sage (Leucophyllum frutescens) was almost blooming, but close enough!
My lavender looks and smells lovely.
My Hardy Ice Plant (Delosperma cooperi) is taking a nap in the cloudy afternoon, but it's never completely off the job.
Hiding way up high in my Giant Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) is this impressive floral display.
I've got three stages of sweet-smelling Puakenikeni flowers and two little critters that I thought were syrphid flies (yay!). After some research though, it appears they are Oriental fruit flies (boo!).
Even though it's nearing the end of this bloom cycle, my white spider lily (Crinum asiaticum) still has a certain beauty.
My Blue Daze (Evolvus glomeratus) is reliable, as always.
I've got some volunteer tomatoes blooming in my garlic pot-when planting things in worm castings, you never know what else you're going to get. Actually, I take that back; you can almost count on the fact that you will get tomatoes along with whatever else you planted!
I've got a young-ish red ginger tucked away where I almost walked right past it.
My sweet alyssum is tumbling out of its pots right now.
And, finally, I had to include this poor little guy. He is, unfortunately, an unwelcome intruder in our lawn and had been unceremoniously ripped out of the ground the day before. When I saw this pretty little bloom lying on the lawn the next day, soldiering on so bravely, I had to include it.
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