Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, Everybody! With our yard freshly pruned and August being one of the hottest driest months around here (unless we're getting rain from passing tropical storms) I wasn't sure what I was going to find today, but I managed to do OK!
Probably suffering the most from the recent lack of rain (and my poor watering skills) is my Evolvus glomeratus (Blue Daze), but shriveled or not, it's still putting out some lovely color.
Winning the award for "Best Attendance" is my golden shrimp plant, Pachystachys lutea. It always shows up, never complains, and gets the job done with nice flair but little drama. If I had to hire any of the plants in my yard, this would be the one.
To be fair, my lantana probably does the same thing, but it's always buried under my variegated hau plants, where I can't see it.
I have a few red gingers that are in pretty nice form today. They show up pretty consistently as well, but sometimes they look like they need to go back home, put on a clean shirt, and comb their hair. Not really "front of the house" material, I'm afraid.
My white spider lily, Crinum asiaticum, was among the plants that got a pretty severe pruning yesterday, but the flowers are hanging in there.
The creamy white flowers and the pretty pink bracts of my bouganvillea come in a close second for "Best Attendance".
I've still got a few snapdragons...
...and some lobelia.
Another victim of the severe pruning, my variegated hau is being a real trooper, seeing as how these are the trimmings that are sitting in our truck bed, waiting to be hauled away.
The newest addition to my yard, lavender. I love the smell, but I can only seem to pick it up peripherally. If I stick my nose right into the leaves or flowers, I can't smell anything, but as soon as I start to move away, I can catch a faint waft.
Although they're not much to look at, the night-blooming jasmine comes to life at night and often fills the whole front of our house with its heady aroma.
This poor little guy, Cuphea hyssopifolia (False Heather/Mexian Heather/Hawaiian Heather) rarely gets any love, even though it blooms year-round. It tends to get a little leggy and overwhelmed by all the things that are planted above it.
You know I'm getting desperate when I start taking pictures of my rosemary.
I love the hot pink and bright yellow of my hardy ice plant.
This time last month, my Agapanthus was just getting ready to bloom, and I was wondering what the weird little nubbins were that were sticking out about half-way down the stem.
Well, it turns out they were fairly normal flowers-to-be.
Possibly my most mysterious bloomer is my Texas sage. Like the drought-tolerant, desert plant that it is, it seems to go from zero flowers to fully-formed, open flowers overnight. I have yet to watch a bud develop on this plant. I think I might have to schedule a watering and photography stake-out some day to see how these flowers appear. If I do, you know I'll post the riveting results here!
I hope you managed to find something blooming in your August gardens and that you didn't pass out from the heat while looking. To see what others found blooming in their yards today, visit our Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day host, Carol, at May Dreams Gardens. Thanks, Carol!