So, with that said, I would like to say thank you for all the nice blog awards I've received over the last couple months.

Cake Wrecks-Every day, Jen puts together a collection of cakes whose decorations have gone horribly wrong and presents them for our amusement. Having decorated my fair share of cakes while we owned our Cold Stone store, I can appreciate how something that seems easy in theory can go terribly awry, but I don't think we ever sent out anything too wrecky. I was lucky to have a couple very talented decorators on hand, and I oversaw most of the custom orders myself. Lest you think this is just a mean blog that makes fun of people, it's not. Every Sunday, Jen also highlights some truly beautiful cakes so that we can see what these things should look like.
Journey to the Center-Following the death of her husband last year, Bev Wigney, who describes herself as a naturalist-photographer-writer, began traveling around the U.S. with her dog, Sabrina. At Journey to the Center she shares her photos and observations. The pictures are beautiful, and her writing is thoughtful and serene.
The Amazing Life-Grace and Bradley have a home in Cape Cod but spend a lot of their time living in Taipei and traveling around the world. Their blog showcases their amazing life in pictures.
Kerrie at Mysteries in Paradise bestowed this lovely Splash award upon me. The rules are simple:

1. Put the logo on your blog/post
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash award.
Hmmm...blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you? Well, I think all of the blogs I already mentioned manage to do just that, so they all get this award too. Just for good measure, I will add another blog that amuses me.
Who's More Awesome-This blog takes two hypothetical opponents (the most recent match up: Sasquatch Vs. The Abominable Snowman) and pits them against each other to see who's more awesome. The categories of competition are always the same-Wine Tasting, Fighting, Racing, Chess, Pie Eating, Swimsuit and Archery. You might wonder how points are awarded in categories such as these with competitors such as those. Well, head on over to check it out, but just so you're warned there is some language and some match ups that aren't exactly family- friendly.
And finally:

Congratulations on all your awards! I've been terrible about acknowledging them too. I hope nobody thinks I'm a horrible ingrate :P
Thanks, and I'm sure nobody does!
Thanks so much for the award. I'm quite honored. And this meme is actually a pretty easy one to follow up on, so I'll do my best to keep the tradition going. Thanks again!
All I can say is congratulations! And for the record, I too WOULD be an ingrate if given awards; I am a slow responder/reader/commenter. : )
Walter-You're welcome!
Kori-Thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)
Hi Dreamybee,
We are on the road and do not have much time to follow up with our blogging friends this week. Thanks for the award, it is a great honor for us.
Happy Awards day! I like the design on the comment award. It looks like the panda is trying to write with he butt. Doesn't it? It's just me? :)
Grace and Bradley-I hope you are having fun on the road. I look forward to seeing your pictures!
Mike-I hadn't really thought of it that way, but I guess it kind of does. LOL.
Maybe the Panda should be in the who's more awesome contest... I do love comments, and so have tried to make myself more vocal on other folks' blogs lately. Yours always makes it easy--there's always something thought-provoking or fun!
Jeanne-LOL-You should totally recommend the Panda for a "Who's More Awesome?" post! I'm not sure who to pit him against though...
Thanks for the kind words. Coming from you, I consider that high praise!
Congrats; your blog is great.
Thanks Diane!
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