I have not been brave enough to sign up for the full-on challenge of
24 hours of reading, but I will do my best to encourage everyone else who was! If you are so inclined, please feel free to help me. Pick one (or many) of the 361 (oh my!) ambitious individuals
who have pledged the next 24 hours of their lives to their love of literature, go visit their blogs, and give them a quick word of encouragement. Many of them are reading for charities, and I know they'd appreciate your support. You just might find a few great blogs in the process!
Happy reading everybody!
Thank you for stopping by!!
Your welcome!
You are doing great. I got a little thrown off schedule this am, but I’m back on track now. Keep up the good work!
I will surely need a nap a bit later unless, I walk around the house constantly until I fall over from exhaustion...LOL
Thanks you for stopping by and cheering me on. I hope you had fun today.
Diane-I hope you went with the nap and not the falling over from exhaustion!
Nicole-You're welcome! I had a great time!
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