Monday, October 15, 2012

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day-October, 2012

Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, Everyone! Can you believe it's October already?? What's blooming in your garden? Jump over to May Dreams Gardens, say, "Hi!" to Carol, share what's in your garden and see what's blooming in everyone else's. Here's what's going on in my corner of the world: (Also, I'm going to be making a lot of references to last month's post, so in case nothing makes sense, I'm blaming it on that.)

Mystery orchid still hanging on from last month.

Golden shrimp plant, Pachystachys lutea, and all that jazz.

I told you there was a rose in all that alyssum! "Mardi Gras (Jacfrain)" 

Ice blue plumbago

One of these days, I swear I'm going to find out what's going on in there.

My lead reporter, Mocha, continues to be evasive and refused to answer any questions about this false heather.

This was a nice surprise. I don't think my crape myrtle ("Petite Orchid"?) has ever bloomed twice in one year. I had no idea it was blooming until I went out today for pictures.

This is currently the only bloom on my lavender, but I'll take it!

This volunteer passion flower was a nice surprise. I didn't know they came this tiny though-look at those cute little fruit that are already forming. This only started blooming...last week?

From a tiny surprise to a big surprise. For reference, here's a picture from about a week ago:

This is the flower from my Monstera diliciosa, or Swiss cheese plant. It's the first time I've seen it bloom since we planted it in 2008, and I would have never even seen the flowers if our neighbor hadn't stopped by to see if he could have some leaves to use for decoration for his grandson's first birthday. See? Sharing pays off! 

Here's what that bloom looks like now, a dried out shell surrounding a bunch of fuzzy little nubbins above some sticky blobs. And! I just found out that this will eventually turn into an edible fruit. Cool!

Also putting out a bunch of fuzzy little nubbins right now is my Areca palm, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

Augh! These suckers are hard to photograph!

These Agapanthus were another nice surprise, hiding behind all the palm fronds. 

And, finally, blooming in my kitchen are some red ginger from my yard.

I hope you had a wonderful Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day! What's blooming in your yard?


scottweberpdx said...

Love post...I've never actually heard of False Heather before!

Dreamybee said...

Thanks! I think it's one of those plants that has lots of names-it's actually Cuphea hyssopifolia, which I forgot to add in the post. I believe it's also known as Hawaiian heather and Mexican heather.